FEMINIST FORUM: The Other Side of Transgender: the Story of De-Transitioners

FIST is excited to be sponsoring a forum featuring the stories of three de-transitioning women on Sat. July 10th at 11:00 a.m. Pacific time.

Tickets available at

Speaking on the panel:

Sydney – a 20 year old woman who transitioned medically as a child.

Rachel F., a 30 year old lesbian, de-transitioned 3 years ago after living as a transman for 5 years.

Carol F – a de-transitioned lesbian, detrans advocate and cofounder of detransvoices.org

FIST’s Feminist Forums series are interactive and organizing events. At our forums, women have an opportunity not only to hear interesting speakers on a variety of feminist topics but to meet each other, make comments, ask questions of the presenters and discuss feminist politics together. We also tape the public events. Women in attendance are free to shut off their cameras and mute themselves, should they prefer to do so. If you prefer to remain anonymous within the group, or plan to sign in under a different name from the name you have used for registration and purchase of your ticket, please contact the organizer prior to the event. Thanks.

While some of our events are open to both men and women, THIS IS A FEMALE ONLY EVENT. We ask that our male allies respect our right to meet together as women.

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