The next step for SB 923 is the hearing in the California Assembly Health Committee on this coming Tuesday, June 21st, at 1:30 p.m. There will be no phone-in testimony for this hearing; in person only. If you are able to attend in person, go to California Assembly, 1021 O Street, Room 1100, Sacramento, California 95814-5704. To livestream the hearing, go to: Assembly Health Committee hearing.
Please call all members of the health committee and urge them to vote NO on SB 923! If you’re on Twitter, tweet @JimWoodAD2, @MarieWaldron75, @drarambulaAD31, @FrankBigelowCA, @AsmCarrillo, @HeathFloraCA, @BMaienschein, @ChadMayes, @AsmKevinMcCarty, @adrin_nazarian, @AsmLuzRivas, @AsmRodriguez52, @SantiagoAD53.
Thank you.
Where does SB 923 go after it (likely) passes out of the Assembly Health Committee on Tues. 6/21, please?
That’s a good question. It was not explicitly clear yesterday that it passed in the Health Committee, though it probably did. If you want to track SB 923, go to the website
It is now in the Assembly Appropriations Committee where a hearing has been set for August 3rd. Please contact the members of the committee and urge them to vote “NO”. Check out the post on the website with a link to all of their contact information.