Social Media Posts re ERA

Pressure Biden and Harris on social media.  Here are some sample tweets for Twitter:

ERA Ratified States – social media posts

  • @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @POTUS @VP @EqualMeansEqual Women have waited 104 years since winning the vote, and in 2023 it was a CENTURY since the #EqualRightsAmendment was first introduced as the Lucretia Mott Amendment, ratified in 2020. Record and publish #ERANow!
  • @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @POTUS @VP @EqualMeansEqual Women voted for you bc they believed you when you said you support women’s rights & the #EqualRightsAmendment. Why haven’t you honored their trust?! Remove the Barr memo& direct #Colleen Shogun to publish the #ERANow!
  • @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @POTUS @VP @EqualMeansEqual The 38th state has ratified the #EqualRightsAmendment in January of 2020. We demand that you remove the Barr memo and direct Archivist #ColleenShogun to record and publish the #ERA to the US Constitution! #ERANow!
  • @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @POTUS @VP @EqualMeansEqual What’s going on w/the #EqualRightsAmendment? When are you going to order the Archivist #ColleenShogun to publish it?!!  We have ratified the 38th state. WE DEMAND THAT YOU PUBLISH IT TO THE U.S.CONSTITUTION! #ERANow!
  • @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @POTUS @VP @EqualMeansEqual  Women are waiting and women are watching to see if you are going to follow through on ensuring our constitutional rights are finally recognized!  Remove the Barr memo. Direct the #Archivist to publish the #ERANow!!
  • @lisamurkowski @SenatorSinema @SenFeinstein @maziehirono @SenDuckworth @ewarren @SenatorCollins @SenStabenow @SenAmyKlobuchar  Why hasn’t @JoeBiden removed the Barr memo and directed the #ArchivistColleenShogun to publish the #EqualRightsAmendment?!  #ERANow!
  • @lisamurkowski @SenatorSinema @SenFeinstein @maziehirono @SenDuckworth @ewarren @SenatorCollins @SenStabenow @SenAmyKlobuchar Demand that @JoeBiden remove the Barr memo and direct the #ArchivistColleenShogun to publish the #EqualRightsAmendment. #ERANow!!
  • @SenTinaSmith @SenatorHassan @SenatorShaheen @SenCortezMasto @SenJackyRosen @gillibrandny @SenatorCantwell @PattyMurray @SenatorBaldwin Why hasn’t @JoeBiden removed the Barr memo and directed the #ArchivistColleenShogun to publish the #EqualRightsAmendment?!  #ERANow!
  • @SenTinaSmith @SenatorHassan @SenatorShaheen @SenCortezMasto @SenJackyRosen @gillibrandny @SenatorCantwell @PattyMurray @SenatorBaldwin Demand that @JoeBiden remove the Barr memo and direct the #ArchivistColleenShogun to publish the #EqualRightsAmendment. #ERANow!!