Registration Open Now
A Women’s Liberation Organizing Conference
July 5th to 7th 2024 in a beautiful location with gardens, walkways, good food, comfy beds and swimming pool approx. one hour from San Diego
The Program starts Friday night with a plenary on “No More Witch-hunts: Tactics & Strategies for Defending Feminists Jobs, Livelihoods and Public Activism.” The panel consists of four speakers, Ann Menasche (founding member of FIST), Thistle Pettersen (singer-songwriter & founder of Women’s Liberation Radio News) , Christy Hammer (Univ. of So. Maine professor of Education) and Denise Traina (co-chair of the Georgia Green Party & Green Alliance for Sex-Based rights) who have lost jobs and/or have been subjected to harassment or witch-hunting including within the Left because they recognize that sex exists and support the rights of women based on sex and the rights of lesbians based on sexual orientation. We will discuss strategies for how to fight back successfully against these misogynistic and homophobic attacks.
On Saturday morning after a short walk, we will participate in a plenary “Our Radical Roots: Taking Back the Left for Feminism” with presentations by Max Dashu (feminist historian) Fran Luck (host of WBAI Joy of Resistance multicultural feminist programming), and Kathie Sarachild (one of the founding mothers of Second Wave Radical Feminism). This will be followed by two workshops to choose from, one on working with other feminists who are not yet gender critical on core feminist issues (led by Dena from FIST), and the second one on Guerilla Strategies led by Jessika Gonzalez, (TERF Collective).
After lunch, there will be a brief presentation on feminist strategy by Hilla Kerner (Vancouver Rape Relief), and then FIST members will participate in a discuss and vote on a proposal outlining plans for our future work, “Looking Forward; Proposal for Growing FIST and building a multi-issue radical feminist movement.” We will then take a two hour break to swim, socialize with our sisters, take a nap, or whatever we’d like to do. Before dinner we will break up into regional causes to discuss how to carry out the Looking Forward proposal in our local and regional areas.
Saturday night should be great fun. We will begin with an inspiring pre-recorded talk about the importance of the Equal Rights Amendment by ERA attorney Wendy Murphy. We will then be treated to a concert by Thistle Pettersen performing her original feminist folk music, followed by dancing and socializing.
Sunday, after breakfast, there will be a second set of workshops, one on “Transing Away the Lesbian: Strategies for Ending the Homophobic Practice of Gender Affirming Care” led by Carol (a detransitioner), and Arianne (LBG Alliance USA); and the second on Defending Women’s Spaces let by Hilla Kerner (Vancouver Rape Relief) and Amie Ichikawa (Women II Women). There will then be a plenary presentation and discussion on “Strategies for winning back abortion rights” led by abortion rights pioneer and author Merle Hoffman, Merle is a founder of one of the earliest abortion clinics in New York, a founder of the National Abortion Federation, a leader of Rise Up for Abortion Rights recently authored a book, Choices: A Post-Roe Abortion Rights Manifesto. The final plenary will be a participatory exercise in envisioning a future of women’s liberation. We will enjoy a final meal together and may stay after lunch for a final swim.
Throughout the conference, presentations will be short to allow plenty of time for discussion and sharing of ideas. We are building a movement and all of our voices and energies our needed.
Sign-up soon as there are limited spaces at the venue. Deadline for registration is May 31, 2024. Payment is due on or before June 15, 2024. Any last minute requests to register after the deadline, please contact us at and we’ll check with the venue.
ALSO, HELP WITH OUR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN TO FUND SCHOLARSHIPS AND SPEAKERS’ TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR THE CONFERENCE! You can donate here: Please indicate in the notes that it is for the Conference. We aim to raise $5,000 before June 15, 2024. Individuals, male or female, are encouraged to donate, but we do not take money from right wing groups or corporations.