We have learned that some of the defendants targeted by the Riverside Police and D.A. have had the charges dropped against them for felony vandalism (for writing a message in chalk!), and that the charges have been reduced for the others. It is still imperative that Mike Hestrin, Riverside D.A., hear from us. Please call him at 951.955.5400 and tweet him @DA_MikeHestrin and @RivCoDA and demand that these outrageous charges against peaceful protesters expressing their First Amendment rights be dropped!
Month: October 2022
First Do No Harm Unity Rally
Feminists in Struggle was one of the many groups represented at the First Do No Harm Unity Rally at the American Academy of Pediatrics Convention in Anaheim on Saturday, October 8th to protest the medicalization of children by “gender-affirming care”. There was a great turnout and a lot of spirit! Women and men, gay and straight, young and old, groups from across the political spectrum, from Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights, California Legislative Council, Dykes on the Right, Partners for Ethical Care, to parents groups like Our Duty, which organized the rally, joined together in solidarity in the effort to protect children and youth from the harms of “gender-affirming care”, which medicalizes, sterilizes, and mutilates. Speakers included Julia Mason, M.D., Pediatrician; Scott Newgent; detransitioners Cat Cattinson, Chloe Cole, and Abel Garcia; and parents decrying this medical scandal.
For more information, see:
First Do No Harm Unity Rally October 8th 10-2
The Rally will have speakers and will be livestreamed at noon.
Report Back on WDI-USA national conference
The plenaries were interspersed with smaller breakout sessions on Reproductive Rights, Opposition to the Sex Trade, the Value of Lesbian Only Spaces, Consciousness Raising, Gender and Feminism, Misogynoir (“Black Patriarchy”, facilitated by Black women) and Legislative Advocacy.
Drop the Charges Against the Abortion Rights Demonstrators in Riverside!
This letter was sent to the District Attorney in Riverside on October 3, 2022:
Mike Hestrin
Office of the District Attorney
County of Riverside
3960 Orange Street
Riverside, CA 92501
Dear Mr. Hestrin:
We are writing to you on behalf of the national feminist organization, Feminists in Struggle (FIST), to demand that all charges be dropped against those arrested at a RiseUp4AbortionRights demonstration on July 30, 2022, in Riverside, CA and who will be arraigned on October 6.
These arrestees were protesting nonviolently for the basic human right of women to control their own bodies and access abortion, and against the recent outrageous decision by the Supreme Court to overturn this Constitutional right guaranteed by Roe v. Wade.
Women throughout the country are watching the disposition of these cases and are alerting local politicians in your area as to the importance of these charges being dropped. Our right to peacefully protest is guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution and we expect that right to be respected by your office.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this urgent issue.
Ann Menasche
For Feminists in Struggle
WE ASK EVERYONE TO CALL THE RIVERSIDE DA’S OFFICE AT 951.955.5400 AND TWEET THEM @DA_MikeHestrin and @rivcoda TO DROP THE CHARGES AGAINST THE #RIVERSIDE8!! You may also email the DA’s office at: inquiries@rivcoda.org