by Christy Hammer

FIST’s inaugural conference last July was my first conference on gender critical/sex realist issues, and WDI in Atlanta this last weekend was my second.  Both had fascinating presentations, deep dialogue , and networking on important issues of sex and gender in our culture, social institutions, and political economy.  Provocative and deeply political issues were bravely shared, including historical perspectives and future collective actions.  I was delighted to meet the incomparable Kara Dansky, who along with Ann Menasche both supported me when I was canceled and punished by a few trans activists and current DEI madness for not admitting to more than two sexes and for accidental misgendering.

Protecting sex-based rights politically as Democrats was the first plenary session that including analysis of gender identity in schools that led one to admit she was going to vote for Trump.  I learned histories of both the poor definitions of gender dysphoria in the DSM by Amy Sousa and the increasing anti-female sentiment in fetal personhood laws by Marylou Singleton.  I appreciated analysis of transgender ideology in cartoon fanfiction popular among current youth, and Karla Mantilla on the some of the flashpoints between the LGBT movement and transgender ideology.  Of note, several sessions were fashioned specifically with a cross-generational focus.  Especially with desisted and detransitioned women participating and in the context of what is happening to butch lesbianism it was powerful for younger women to hear from older ones how they would likely be encouraged to transition to males when they were that age with the rush to trans young females adding to the persistent misogyny and sex-role stereotypes.

Learning more from FIST members Suzanne Forbes-Veiling and Denice Traina at WDI was wonderful, as it was to see the remarkable leader of LGB Alliance, Arianne Gieringer, again.

I’m  grateful for my involvement in both FIST and WDI, and look forward to future conferences, especially as my book develops.  If you’re interested in responding to a 10-item interview with your anonymous reflections on critical issues for Canceling sex: Gender ideology, Title IX, and DEI in schools and society please email me ASAP at


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