FIST issues statement supporting Missouri Senate bill 843 banning child transition

On March 25, 2023, FIST sent a statement to the Missouri legislature supporting a bill that would ban medicalized transition for children under 18.  The letter declared in part, “Child transition involving puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries that remove or modify healthy body parts are extremely sexist and homophobic practices.  They disproportionately harm a growing number of girls, most of whom are same sex attracted, i.e., are likely to become lesbians, and girls that don’t fit in with sex stereotypes of traditional “femininity” imposed on them by a sexist society.

Medical transition is experimental, cosmetic, and doesn’t cure anything.  Instead, it results in sterilization, prevents proper development of brains and bones, and causes other permanent physical disabilities and shortened life spans.  No child is born in the wrong body! As feminists solidly on the Left, we call for saving the tomboys and future lesbians and feminists as well as all children struggling with being different from these permanent medical harms.”

The bill passed the Missouri Senate and is now pending in the House. If it passes, it will join a number of other states that have passed similar laws. According to ABC News, “At least 11 states — Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Dakota, Tennessee and Utah — have passed laws or policies that restrict gender-affirming care for people under the age of legal majority, which is the threshold for legal adulthood.”

FIST is highly appreciative of the work of Scott/Kellie Newgent who has been traveling all over the country working on bills to protect children and who encouraged our participation in this campaign.  Please support her work at

First Do No Harm Unity Rally

Feminists in Struggle was one of the many groups represented at the First Do No Harm Unity Rally at the American Academy of Pediatrics Convention in Anaheim on Saturday, October 8th to protest the medicalization of children by “gender-affirming care”. There was a great turnout and a lot of spirit!  Women and men, gay and straight, young and old, groups from across the political spectrum, from Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights, California Legislative Council, Dykes on the Right, Partners for Ethical Care,  to parents groups like Our Duty, which organized the rally, joined together in solidarity in the effort to protect children and youth from the harms of “gender-affirming care”, which medicalizes, sterilizes, and mutilates.  Speakers included Julia Mason, M.D., Pediatrician; Scott Newgent; detransitioners Cat Cattinson, Chloe Cole, and Abel Garcia; and parents decrying this medical scandal.

For more information, see:

Wesley Yang

The Post Millenial

The Daily Wire


The Epoch Times

HELP US STOP SB 923 & SB 107!

California bill SB 923 is a blatant attempt to indoctrinate all medical personnel from clerks all the way up to M.D.s, therapists, and anyone in healthcare who has direct client contact, into gender ideology and so-called “gender-affirming care”.  It requires healthcare professionals to be “educated” by untrained transactivist lobbyist groups who would be the recipients of public funds for this purpose, and directs healthcare professionals’ governing boards to monitor and discipline their licensees’ compliance.

California bill SB 107 makes California a magnet for those seeking or providing “gender-affirming care”, a euphemism for radical interventions that causes infertility, inhibited bone and organ development, sexual dysfunction, and which sentences minors to a lifetime of medicalization and mutilating surgeries for the profit of pharmaceutical companies. SB 107 would not only shield those who enable minors to flee to California for such radical “healthcare”, but those medical doctors who prescribe and perform these treatments, even if outlawed in their home states, and it would bar law enforcement from cooperating with subpoenas or extradition orders.  For more background on SB 107, see: California Aspires to Become a Sanctuary State for Those Who Mutilate Children for Profit

Feminists in Struggle vigorously opposes these bills and calls for feminists and feminist allies in every state to help defeat them.  Both #SB923 and SB 107 have passed the California Senate and the California Assembly and now await Governor Newsom’s signature or veto.

Please call (916) 445-2841, Fax: (916) 558-3160, email, and tweet Governor Gavin Newsom @CAgovernor and @GavinNewsom and urge him to VETO both of these bills.

Here are some sample tweets:

I oppose #SB923 bc it pushes gender ideology, a dangerous belief system rooted in unreality that is seducing children, adolescents, & young adults into believing they were “born in the wrong body” and can alter their sex. VETO #SB923!

I oppose #SB923 bc it pushes “affirmative care” which is a profit-driven enterprise that creates lifelong medicalization and dependence on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery. VETO #SB923!

I oppose #SB923 bc it prevents medical professionals from using their judgment as to what constitutes appropriate treatment & places it in the hands of untrained political activists/trans lobbyists w/no clinical background. VETO #SB923!

I oppose #SB923 bc it erodes parents’ ability to protect their children from irreversible harm from sterilization, lifetime medicalization, and mutilation. VETO #SB923!

I oppose #SB923 bc it hampers healthcare providers’ ability to “first do no harm,” putting patients at risk of misdiagnosis and providers at risk of malpractice. VETO #SB923!

I oppose #SB923 bc it is an egregious misuse of taxpayer funds by mandating repeated “cultural training”of all medical personnel requiring MediCal, PACE, state, & partially-funded programs 2 spend millions of $$$ annually on re-education2 crush dissent. VETO #SB923!

I oppose #SB923 bc it is an egregious misuse of taxpayer funds to funnel $$ to lobbyist groups for politicized indoctrination, enriching political pacs rather than spending funds on legitimate services. VETO #SB923!

I oppose #SB923 bc it’s a violation of the 1st Amendment to compel medical personnel/providers to profess belief in gender ideology & use names/pronouns demanded by persons assuming a gender identity conflicting w/his/her sex VETO #SB923!

I oppose #SB107 bc it would sanction the aiding & abetting of criminal acts & the kidnapping & injuring of children by facilitating unscientific & untested experimentation on children by life-altering, irreversible & mutilating invasive procedures. VETO #SB107

I  oppose #SB107 bc it would sanction the aiding&abetting of kidnapping&injuring of children by usurping parental authority&substituting state authority over minors by empowering CA family courts 2assert jurisdiction&authority over children who come to CA. VETO #SB107

I oppose #SB107 bc it would sanction the aiding&abetting of criminal acts&the kidnapping&injuring of children by prohibiting CA law enforcement agencies from enforcing arrest warrants from states that restrict “gender-affirming health care,” for violations of those state’s laws&allows them 2flee2 CA2evade prosecution &receive full immunity from any&all legal responsibility 4their actions. VETO #SB107

I oppose #SB107 for violations of those state’s laws&allows them 2flee2 CA2evade prosecution &receive full immunity from any&all legal responsibility 4their actions. VETO #SB107

I oppose #SB107 bc it would sanction the aiding & abetting of criminal acts & the kidnapping & injuring of children by prohibiting CA law enforcement agencies from enforcing arrest warrants from states that restrict “gender-affirming health care” VETO #SB107!

I oppose #SB107 bc it would sanction the aiding&abetting of criminal acts&the kidnapping&injuring of children by preventing the prosecution of anyone who transports out-of-state minors into CA for “gender-affirming care”. VETO #SB107

I oppose #SB107 bc it would sanction med procedures w/o parental consent & allow parents to take their children out-of-state4these purposes w/o the other parent’s consent or in violation of custody & visitation orders, even refusing 2honor med subpoenas VETO #SB107

#Save the Tomboys! Defeat SB 107!



California Senator Weiner is at it again. After sponsoring SB 923 that would indoctrinate the medical profession in gender identity ideology, he is now proposing another bill, SB 107 that would turn California into a haven for the medical experimentation on gender non-conforming children, shielding those seeking these interventions from prosecution based on the laws of their state.  There is nothing progressive about this bill; rather it is misogynist, homophobic, and reactionary to its core.

Gender non-conforming minor children and youth, mostly female, and many same-sex-attracted future lesbians and gay men, are being subjected to a ghastly medical experiment that will likely shock the consciences of future generations.   Though covered up by euphemisms like “gender affirming care”, these children are being taught that their gender non-conformity, same sex attractions, and/or unhappiness with their sexed bodies (how many girls hate their bodies growing up under patriarchy?) mean that they were born in the “wrong” body, and they are “transgender”.

Unlike being gay, lesbian, or bisexual, transgender is usually a medicalized identity with the end goal of turning children into a facsimile of the other sex.   Children must “treat” their condition not just by changing names, pronouns, and clothing choices and by denying their sex, but by taking puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones that prevent brain and bones from developing properly, and which result in sterilization, early onset osteoporosis, undeveloped lungs and hearts, and the inability to experience sexual pleasure.

Medicalized young people are also channeled into multiple surgeries, removing or modifying healthy body parts, such as double mastectomy at ages as young as 13, often followed by genitally mutilating surgeries with frequent and severe side effects.  In other words, we are destroying children in order to “save” them.

While other countries, including highly liberal, tolerant societies such as Sweden and Finland, move back from embracing this model of treating societal and emotional problems with major body modifications, California is moving full speed ahead.

As lesbians from the U.S. group, Lesbians United, stated in their recent campaign, #Save the Tomboys, “tomboys need shoes they can run in, not artificial hormones.”  Since 84% of girls diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” are same-sex attracted, the fear that this is indeed an insidious form of reparative conversion therapy targeting and disappearing the next generation of lesbians is a valid one.

Feminists in Struggle, as an organization composed of radical feminists and progressives, holds that children should be free to dress as they like, play with the toys and pursue the interests that they like, and express their personalities freely without sex stereotyping, rather than be medicalized for their gender non-conformity.  No one is born in the “wrong” body.  Children unhappy with their bodies due to sexism, homophobia, and related traumas need psychological support, and to be allowed to grow up whole, not be put under the knife.

We therefore urge the defeat of SB 107. #Save the Tomboys.

See also: LGB Alliance’s post: SB 107: Trans Refuge Legislation and Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights’ post: California Aspires to Become a Sanctuary State for Those Who Mutilate Children for Profit


Senator Scott Wiener of California has introduced a bill, SB 923, “Gender Affirming Care” that would require all medical personnel in California to subscribe to gender ideology and submit to “cultural competency training” by trans activists.  It has now passed both the Health Committee and the Appropriations Committee and is headed to the floor for consideration on May 23rd, 2022!
We are asking everyone to call all the members of the California Senate and tell them to oppose SB 923. A list of talking points can be found here.