Update on SB 923 – Hearing on Tuesday 6-21!!

The next step for SB 923 is the hearing in the California Assembly Health Committee on this coming Tuesday, June 21st, at 1:30 p.m. There will be no phone-in testimony for this hearing; in person only. If you are able to attend in person, go to California Assembly, 1021 O Street, Room 1100, Sacramento, California 95814-5704.  To livestream the hearing, go to: Assembly Health Committee hearing.

Please call all members of the health committee and urge them to vote NO on SB 923!  If you’re on Twitter, tweet @JimWoodAD2, @MarieWaldron75, @drarambulaAD31, @FrankBigelowCA, @AsmCarrillo, @HeathFloraCA, @BMaienschein, @ChadMayes, @AsmKevinMcCarty, @adrin_nazarian, @AsmLuzRivas, @AsmRodriguez52, @SantiagoAD53.